There are many things to please residents and visitors in this first edition of the Siem Reap French Week/Semaine française, among them the exhibition of rarely seen photographs from the Ecole Française d´Extreme Orient (EFEO) related to Angkor architectural treasures, stands from many French fashion, artisan or culinary outlets, a "bal populaire" on the last evening or a classy fashion show offered by Eric Raisina Couture.
French companies or NGOs' involvement is showcased in performances by such outstanding performing arts formations as Phare Circus or New Cambodian Artists.

And since all Angkor lovers are concerned about the impact of carbon contamination on the exquisitely adorned Khmer temples, kudos to the transportation system selected by the French Week organizers: all-electric vehicles for the shuttle service bringing visitors to the venue.
Siem Reap French Week Village, Raffles Hotel Gardens, opposite the Royal Residence. March 7-10, 2018.