Enjoy complimentaryShanghai-inspired canapés, selected cocktails, world wines and regional beers, 6-9pm. Then, swing and dance the night away to the tunes by DJ Ruslan Rodriguez. Friday 14 September, 2018.
A musical sample from the DJ hosting this anniversary party here.

A successful merchant at the end of the 19th century, Tan Bunpa brought the land where the Chinese House now stands in 1903. The building was probably completed one year later.
His Sino-Khmer family continuously inhabited the grand house by the river until the unrest in the 1970s. Abandoned during the Khmer Rouge era, it had afterwards several owners, and famous writer and researcher Darryl Collins lived there.

In 2007, a grand-daughter of Tan Bunpa, actively involved in the preservation of historical sites around Phnom Penh, purchased the premises. Leased to become an art gallery and a sophisticated bar, the precious house was renovated and decorated in the spirit of timeless Asian charm.
Now a restaurant, society lounge and garden terrace, Chinese House continues to attract artists, fashion designers and musicians with its romantic allure.
(Photos, clockwise: TimeOutExperience, DestinAsian Mag, Luke Ding, CH)